VFS Checklist for Lithuania Visa

Important Checklists Before Applying For Lithuania.

No.Required Documents
1Completed and signed National visa application form
2One recent passport photo 35×45 colorful, white background.
3A valid travel document - passport (containing at least 2 blank pages, issued within the previous 10 years, its period of validity extending at least three months after the intended date of departure from the territory if the Member States).
4Valid health insurance (from approved list of Indian travel insurance companies), covering the duration of stay. It must be valid in all participant states of the Schengen Area. The minimum amount of medical insurance coverage – EUR 30 000.
5A confirmed Air ticket reservation.
6Mediation letter electronically submitted through MIGRIS (https://www.migracija.lt/en) by the Lithuanian scholastic institution (the Visa Office must be provided with the mediation application number).
7Proof of financial means to live in the Republic of Lithuania (sufficient means of subsistence equal to 0.5 of the minimum monthly wage per month) and to return to the country of his or her origin or a foreign country to which the alien has the right to depart (sufficient amount of funds required to return equals to 1 minimum monthly).
1) Original private bank statement showing movements in the last three months, duly stamped and signed by the bank;
2) Indian income tax return acknowledgment for the last two assessment years;
3) In case of sponsorship - Affidavit of Sponsorship from parents/relatives and their proof of financial means.
8Documents, providing educational background (legalized).
9Consular Fee

Source: VFS Lithuania Website - https://visa.vfsglobal.com/one-pager/lithuania/india/english/

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