5 Reasons
Top 5 reasons why Europe is the first choice of students in 2024
France announced last year that they have set a target of ten thousand Indian students by 2024 to study in the country. According to estimates from the EU, more than 45,000 Indian students are present in the continent of Europe. The UK — now out of EU— has been a hot favourite within Europe for Indian students, with around 20,000 students in the country.
Germany had over 14,000 Indian students and each year, the number is increasing by 15-20 per cent! From France to Scandinavia, education options for in EU are open for Indian students. France has nearly 400 French companies operating in India with better job accessibility for students. The visa regulations are eased in the country.
Other EU countries roping in Indian students include Spain, Italy and Poland.
Scandinavian countries are keen to reach out to Indian students who are looking for niche specializations in tech fields and medicine.
Major considerations for the Indian student
For Indian students, choosing higher study options abroad involves choosing the right host country, since the choice will determine the value of the degree and also in defining career choices in the future.
Here are the 5 main reasons why Indian students consider studying in the UK and Europe
1. Internationally recognized universities
UK and many countries in Europe are popular destinations for Indian students who seek for higher studies in niche disciplines. UK is also home to three of top 10 universities worldwide, according to 2015 – 2016 World University Rankings. Also, employers and government bodies worldwide accept most European degrees. In terms of Employability Rankings too, UK wins the honors with respect to high employability quotient for graduates
2. Quality education
European countries have retained their position as a popular study destination among Indian students owing to their reputation of imparting quality education. The standard of teaching is routinely assessed and graded within relevant benchmarks and parameters. UK institutes even uphold the standard and quality of educational programmes with independent audits carried out QAA, a quality assessment agency. Colleges in Scotland undergo reviews within the laws stated and implemented by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education.
London was even rated as the fifth best student-friendly city worldwide, by QS rankings 2016.
3. Job Opportunities from European universities
One can pick the field of study and institution and choose from a whopping 150,000 courses at different universities and colleges across UK and other countries in Europe.
The education system also promotes comprehensive interaction between students and lecturers. English language support is offered to international students to improve their language skills. Most universities have several counselors and advisors who guide international students to adjust to the education system.
4. Strong research infrastructure
UK is known to generate 6.4% of all journal articles from the world and even incorporate 11.6% of citations even though it includes less than 1% of world’s population.
30% of UK universities are classified as ‘world-leading’ in research while and 46% are touted to be ‘internationally excellent’. The fields of clinical sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and many more fields have put in strong emphasis in research.
5. Work before study and work permit after study
Many Indian students gain work experience even during study with an internship or part-time job. They add skills to their CV through part-time placement offers. One can stay in the UK after completing their graduation with a salary of a minimum of 20,800 pounds.One needs to switch from Tier 4 Visa to Tier 2 Visa and even apply for work visa from the Border Agency.
Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa is offered to students who are keen to develop an innovative idea and is consistently sponsored by their university.
On top of the above factors, Indian students are eligible to receive free medical treatment in UK sponsored by National Health Service (NHS).
Studying in UK is one golden opportunity for many Indian students to experience a new and unique multicultural environment, meet new interesting people and students from across the world with range of skills that are important in making a global workforce.
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