Top 10 Countries To Study In Europe The Quick Guide
Top 10 Countries To Study In Europe - The Quick Guide
Lockdown is over now. Soon the students will resume to study abroad planning and rush to select the best country to study further. To get more clarity about your university decision and help to figure out which european country will be best suited for you, we have brought a blog for you. The blog is written by Ms. Devanshi Pandya. She is our Admission Consultant at Edugo Abroad. She has been working with top European universities for a long time. With her experience, she prepared an amazing blog which talks about the top 10 countries to study in Europe.
Ms. Devanshi Pandya Admission Consultant
Enjoy the blog written by Ms. Devanshi Pandya, you will get some insightful information about top European countries to study abroad.
An increasing number of Indian students are starting to study overseas, not only because some universities abroad offer greater career opportunities after graduation, but also because of the experience that comes with studying abroad. Approx a decade ago, Indian students mainly followed higher education in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. However, trends have changed throughout their course, and students now have various options to develop themselves for a professional career. Here we will go through the ten countries that an Indian student can choose to have a perfect start to their career.
1. France
Francs a beautiful country with a long history of higher education. Located in Wesn Europe, it occupies the geographically diverse area from the Mediterraneto the North Sea and the English Channel. France has amazing natural beaus that you might advertise on explore. Culturally, France is a country with a long history as well as rich artistic, philosophical and scientific tradition. France is one of the largest centres of culture, cuisine and literature. All of these fundamentals make it an exciting destination for international students around the world. In short, the French higher education system is one of the best in the world. With low tuition fees, studies in France are only economical for international students. Every year, the French universities are at the top of the famous university rankings. Their institutions offer an education that lets them compete with other countries. The country is a hub for international business and management education and has plenty of business schools worldwide.
In France, most universities and business colleges offer access to the basics of MOI, which means IELTS is not required to study in France. France has 71 public universities and they are all funded by the national government and offer highly affordable education to all students, domestic or international. There are also a number of private universities ( grandes ecoles ). And if you have completed your graduate or higher levels of study from an accredited business school or university, you can get two years of study work visa. This allows the student to work over there and have the experience of a world-class business.
2. UK
The United Kingdom (UK) consists of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each country has different regions, each offering large cosmopolitan cities, towns, and countryside villages. The UK has countless high education institutions, and almost every single one of them has opportunities for international students to study there. You can choose from a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs and combine eating courses for lava and education to suit your needs and interests.
British schools have a rich history and tradition of offering a world-class student. Every UK University is recognized worldwide for having creative and challenging environments that help their students push themselves to the extreme. Their standards are impressively high, and year after year, universities are being tested for how well they furnish modern challenges. Even your spouse can join your studies in England. They may come with you to support overseas education. UK universities also allow admission based on IELTS. Any student can access universities on the basis of MOI and also the English Marks in 12 the standard. This is the best path to get the admission process easily.
There are many universities that people have heard of, even without prior research into why studying in England is a great opportunity. Oxford and Cambridge are names that are known around the world because of their high-quality courses and devotion to educational quality and achievement. Mainly the UK has an unlimited number of universities where you can achieve the same design of top quality. While studying over there, you may even have part-time jobs with fair wages, and if your spouse accompanies you, they can work full time in the UK. And the best thing about students in the UK is, that after studying, they can work for 2 years for students who have completed the master's degree from recognized universities in the UK.
3. Germany
With low study costs (ranked # 3 in Europe), and great potential in your current career goals (ranked # 9) and higher educational quality (ranked # 11), Germany is a prominent feature in our research of the biggest competitions for your student abroad destination. Universities are among the best in the world and tuition costs for public universities are all free for international students. Each program combines theory and practice, one that gives you amazing skills and experiences in your future career. Apart from the first-class education you receive, also Germany will give you opportunities to learn about the country's compelling history and immerse you in the charming towns and landscapes that have inspired debt 'land of poets and thinkers'. If you want to study in one of the most notable and academically recognized countries in Europe, Germany is definitely worth considering.
Recently, Germany is becoming a magnet for international students from all over the world. Let's explore some of the reasons why students prefer to study in amazing countries. Germany is a paradise for higher education. In Germany, you will find many worldwide universities, excellent, globally valued degrees and affordable cost of living.
Germany ranks among the world's best destinations for international students. According to the latest official statistics, over 357,000 foreign students are applying and the number of students is steadily increasing. I consider having a large number of universities offering Germany complete courses designed to cater to all interests. As an industrializing country, Germany has invested heavily in engineering universities, today, it is an engineering that is valued at the universal universities. There are several study programs offered at these universities and in some of them are global leaders such as medicine and pharmacy.
In addition, listening over traditional courses at German universities is expanding rapidly, new fields of study are emerging as a pioneering scientific improvement. Whether you are willing to study atomic or mysterious galaxies in the universe, in Germany you are likely to find and program what is taught by the most reputed professionals in the local world.
4. Denmark
If you are considering studying abroad, it is time to consider starting your academics in Denmark. The Scandinavian state is a shining example of the European values that have been developed over thousands of years, under the protection of civil liberties, individual prosperity, income parity and democratic governance. Denmark scores regularly higher in all the measurements for the national performance and can tell some of the best public services in the world. Most importantly, or I am thinking of digging, Denmark and a huge emphasis on its higher education system, only make it a top destination for international students.
Compared to its Scandinavian neighbors, Denmark regularly appears at the top of the best places to live in surveys of all countries of the world. And while things like high levels of employment and a robust economy certainly contribute to Denmark's success, it is welcoming to its citizens and guests, making it such a wonderful place to stay. The Danes are well educated and financially secure, but most importantly they are happy.
In addition to being home to some of the world's leading universities, Denmark offers students several financial benefits that you cannot find in many other countries. Firstly, university education is completely free for Danish citizens. This means zero upfront costs and no store applies to pay as they enter the workplace or begin by earning over and fast amounts a year. Second, student housing is affordable, as are textbooks and other school supplies.
The admission process in Denmark is quite simple. IELTS is required in most of the highest-ranked institutes and universities. Even a spouse is allowed to participate with students in Denmark. Students and spouses are allowed to work during their stay.
5. Poland
More and more students choose students abroad each year in Poland. These students are attracted by its high-quality educational institution, studies and low living costs. Poland's educational system dates back to the Middle Ages. As with other EU countries, Poland offers cheap tuition to students. For example, English language courses offered at the University of Warsaw cost between £ 1,300 and £ 2,500 per year. The majority of the course in Poland costs considerably less than in the UK, with the notable exception of medical courses which have fees around £ 10,000 a year. Also, there is the cost of living in Poland, which is far lower in Western or Northern Europe, which means that the high cost of university education is considerably less in Poland than elsewhere in Europe. The majority of universities in Poland offer student accommodation. Because of low costs - which can be as low as £ 180 per Month and shared space - the demand for and such accommodation is higher. Students in Poland choose to stay in shared apartments or houses, with costs ranging from £ 100 to £ 200 per month, depending on the location.
The best part of choosing Poland to study is that no English test is compulsory for admission or visa to study in Poland. The universities offer a study program based on MOI. Even students can work part-time while studying over there.
6. Greece
There is something to ask yourself why you study in "academic food and Western civilization" as Western culture owes many of its linguistic, philosophical, cultural, legal, social and ethical beliefs and systems. Debt Beautiful Mediterranean is proud of being one of the oldest living cultures on earth, presenting many thousands of years of history and development. It is located near the intersection of Europe and Asia, and it is a gateway to the European Union that is geographically centred in southeastern Europe.
Concepts of individualism, freedom, democracy and government all have their roots in the great thinkers of ancient Greece, whose ideas are still read and discussed today, e.g. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and many other stores questionnaires. International students will find out, on a real variation of geography, and the long-established archaeological tradition, modern society and the travel economy that are some of the basics that make Greece a fascinating place for students.
Apart from an ancient culture, modern Greece still has many to offer. As a member of the European Union, Greece is uniquely positioned as a participant in both the European and Mediterranean economies. It has experienced rapid away and infrastructure development, the most important after joining the Olympic Games in the summer of 2004. Many of the top universities around the globe have made Greece their home and provided the best study program at its best. Even IELTS is not compulsory for students studying in Greece.
7. Netherlands
That international orientation will be underscored by the fact that every year the Netherlands welcomes students from over 160 different countries. Also, Dutch society is stronger with other cultures and the international business community. The Dutch are also open-minded and direct, which makes it easy to meet them and exchange ideas. Language need never be and problem in the Netherlands. Dutch universities offer the largest number of English language programs in continental Europe. And with 95% of Dutch who speak English, you will never be lost for words.
The Netherlands is and is quite a small country and that is part of its charm. Great places and experiences within easy reach. For those who prefer city life, larger cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht are all close to Leiden and The Hague. They provide a fantastic destination for a day or weekend trips with ample opportunities for new music, theatre, restaurants, cafes, architecture and art. If you would rather see relaxation and inspiration in nature, you also have many options. You can spend time on and off the sandy beaches that extend along the Dutch north coast, which are spread throughout the country.
The Netherlands, or formally the Holland, was the first non-English-speaking country to offer English courses and degrees back in the 1950s. This experience, together with a unique teaching method involving simply teamwork and problem solving compared to other countries, has helped the Netherlands become one of the leading alternative destinations after having students in England, Australia and the United States.
Below we have listed our Top 5 reasons why we think you should go to the Netherlands when you have transferred students abroad.
- A wide range of programs is offered.
- Qualifications are respected worldwide.
- Tuition fees are low compared to other destinations.
- The Netherlands is well located for travelling around Europe.
- Your career prospects after graduating are good.
8. Italy
You should be an international student in Italy because Italy speaks many languages: beyond the renowned experts in the language of the Architecture, Arts, Design and Fashion, Italy is very fluent in the language of Research and Science. Since the first modern university in Europe was founded in Bologna in 1088, Italy has generated tremendous expertise in applied science, extraordinary scholars such as Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei, fathers of the scientific method are from Italy.
Such incredible achievements are the result of an exceptional educational system based on solid performances, rigorous scientific method and creative approach that together foster with critics who are critical, flexible and can solve complex problems. With 61 public universities, 30 private universities and 11 public research organizations, cutting-edge university programs, AFAM (Center for Scientific Art Education) and 339 courses held in English, Italy will teach you just more than Italian.
Many prominent institutes for higher education are in Italy especially in the field of Architecture and Design, Sciences and Engineering, New Technologies, Economics and Management, Agriculture, Human Sciences, Conservation and Restoration of cultural assets, Cinema, Dance, Drama and advanced musical studies.
The quality of teaching and strengthening of international relations between Italian and many foreign institutions, studying many opportunities for a public education path and successful career in the field and academic environment, as well as universities and academics, offer scholarships or scholarships with accommodation, lodging and catering services set up by the Agency for Education.
9. Finland
International students usually have some expectations for their future studies. Finland complies with meeting these requirements according to the study. High-quality Finnish education and studies in Finland are affordable. Study material is often free because many of the books can be found online these days. Although some international students have to pay tuition fees, it is still cheaper than many other European countries.
Students from outside the EU emphasized the economic side. The opportunity for grants, tuition tax exemptions, and the opportunity to have a job, when your study is important. The cost of the study, on the other hand, weighs equally for all international students who choose Finland. Finland responds to having one of the best, if not the top, education systems in the world. Schools in Finland offer several different types of education, including engineering, professions and medicine. Admissions to these universities are also different than in other educational systems. Admission is based solely on a student GPA and their score on the entrance exam. Students make decisions by completing their education and applying to graduate schools such as graduate programs and PhD.
10. Spain
Spain's long-standing reputation for offering some of the world's best education back to 1218. Since then, it continues to strive and make waves in academic, world-class manufacturer research and some of the best business schools around the globe. Quality education guarantees the international student in Spain as their university studies have been recognized as the first university institution dating back to the 13th century. The University Council is the only Spanish-speaking country that has changed its curriculum to the European Area of Higher Education (EHEA) at schools in Spain when they have chosen quality levels.
Thousands of undergraduate and postgraduate courses are available in a teaching system that ensures a balance between theory and practice. Spain offers internships and other experience in its many esteemed companies.
Public universities in Spain may cost between € 680 and € 1,280 each for a bachelor's degree, while private universities may cost between € 5,335 and € 15,000 per academic year. These costs depend on the degree and the university. In Spain, the cost is on average between € 900 and € 1100 a month, it depends on the city and your standard of living. Spain is one of the largest European countries. The prices of groceries, toiletries and other goods that are legal throughout the country and which are not greater than Europe.
If you are considering getting an MBA, Spain may be the place for you. Three of Europe's top 10 business schools are located in Spain. Studying in Spain and managing your everyday costs and also your educational cost expenses can be a tough task for the vast majority. Worldwide students take part-time jobs during their course in Spain to cover some of their daily costs. Part-time jobs do not pay enough to cover all the costs of education for an academic year, be what it should be and these are the basic daily costs that can be covered by these hires. For international students, debt and extraordinary opportunity are gaining experience in the world of work. There are many part-time descriptions in Spain that a global student can take during their course. Being proficient in Spanish gives you a remarkable shot at finding a job.
We hope you like the blog. Edugo Abroad is the leading overseas education consultanting service in India for foreign Education. Team Edugo Abroad guides the students from applying for a visa to interview preparation for their Abroad study. Our expert counsellors suggest the best institute to the students based on their profile, background & interest. Trust of our students drives us ahead.
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