Study In Europe For Indian Students - 2024 New Guide
Are you looking to study in Europe but worried if it the right choice or worried about the high costs or confused how to go about it?
Worry not as Edugo Abroad has got your covered! The top choices of courses in Europe are Engineering and Technology, Energy, Biological and Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Business, Economics, and Administration, Art, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sport and Law. The choice of counties are Poland, France, Latvia, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Hungary and Denmark as most of courses are taught in English language, which encourages students from different countries to opt. Many top ranking colleges and universities are available in Europe.
1) Quality Education
Europe has one of the strongest education system in the world as it boasts of 21 universities that rank the best in higher education system globally. There are also many top ranking universities in Europe students can explore while studying abroad.
Poland, ranked 43rd in the System Strength Rankings is the most attractive country for international students. It is one of best countries where one can have the most powerful education system along with their skill set development.
If you plan to study technical and engineering studies, France, Germany and Hungary is the best alternative for you! There are numerous specialized colleges in different urban areas the nation over.
In Latvia also many engineering courses and programs like Computer Science engineering, Mechanical engineering, Technical and Electronics engineering, Power and electrical, IT, Civil engineering and various other engineering courses are available.
2) Modern education system
Did you know Skype, Spotify, Candy Crush, and Angry Birds all originate from Europe?
European universities are equipped with latest technologies with advanced courses and experienced faculty which can help students to achieve modern education abreast with the industry demands.
3) Affordability of courses and Availability of Scholarships
There are many available scholarships to study in Europe, including general scholarships and specialized funding schemes. Some are offered by government agencies, some by individual universities, and others by external funding organizations and charitable enterprises. The European countries have set their education system as the priority which can help students to afford it at the same time deliver a world class education. Tuition fee in Europe is low as compared to USA and there are high chances of getting a scholarship. You can check more about scholarships to study in Europe
4) Experience the European history across many countries
Live the European art and architecture from the yesteryears when you make Europe your home during the study period. Europe comprises of over 50 countries and you will never run out of things to do and see in any of the cities across these countries. Vegetarian food options and student accommodations are easily available.
5) Career options
Studying in Europe can really benefit you when you want to start your career after that masters course. If you are willing to learn the language, easily adapt to new locations and embrace new cultures finding that dream job in Europe is quite simple.
Yes, Europe is now becoming best choice among the students who want to pursue their foreign education dream in 2024.
If you want to study in Europe and build your Europe education dream in 2024, you can always reach out to Edugo Abroad for selecting the right country, right university and the right course.
For further assistance regarding Europe Education email us at: Inquiry@edugoabroad.com
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