Decoding Frances Social Security System A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Students
Decoding France’s Social Security System: A Comprehensive Guide for Indian
Did you get accepted by a French university, or has your France student visa been approved?🤔 Well, if yes, let me give you a big high five 🙌 and best wishes for a better future ahead.
But hey, are you also feeling anxious about moving to France? We got you.
Moving to a new place is a mix of excitement and nervousness. The excitement of meeting new people, exploring new cities, and grabbing new opportunities are real, but the nervousness of getting settled down is equally daunting.
Apart from all of these, one of the biggest concerns students have is health care and social security. Millions of questions float in students' minds related to France's safety, health and security benefits and mainly to avail those advantages.
That's why we've created this guide — loaded with complete information about France’s Social Security System. This guide is here to help you learn everything from CAF & OFII to the CVEC process and its registration steps.
So let’s get started.
What Is France’s Social Security System?
One of the reasons why many international students choose to study in France is their social security system. The French government doesn’t discriminate and offers the same medical facilities and benefits to International students as well.
France’s social security system is basically the organization helping students partially reimburse their health care costs. To benefit from this service, students must register themselves with an authorized higher education institution and be legal residents in France.
Registration to social security is completely free and mandatory for all students, no matter whether they are French or international. Later in this blog, we’ll dive deep into the process.

What Is CAF & OFII?
What is CAF in France for international students?
CAF stands for Caisse des Allocations Familiales. It is a French state welfare agency by the French government that financially helps students by offering different types of benefits. CAF allows international students to reduce their housing-related expenses in France.
International students with valid residence permits are entitled to housing allowance. The benefit amount depends on where you live and how much monthly rent you pay for. Note that to receive housing aid, your lease and rental receipts must be created in your name.
Benefits for International Students under CAF
Housing can be a significant expense for students, especially those studying abroad. Under CAF, international students can receive financial assistance to help with housing expenses. To be eligible for this housing subsidy, students need to have a valid rental agreement and meet certain income criteria.
As mentioned above, the amount of financial assistance provided will depend on the student's income and the cost of their accommodation.
Documents Required For CAF Applications
Below are the documents you will need to apply for CAF
Proof of identity (ID card, passport)
Rental contract (your lease)
Rent certificate (filled out by the owner of your apartment)
RIB (French bank statement)
Once the CAF receives your application, you might be asked to send further documents like:
Your resident permit (or visa validation)
Proof of student status
Your birth certificate translated into French
Resource letter
What is OFII in France for international students?
OFII stands for Office for Immigration and Integration. To study in France, International students who don’t have French A-levels have to fulfill certain requirements.
The first one is to get access to higher education and have knowledge of the French language. Second, according to your situation, you have to enroll directly in a higher education school or institute in France.
After receiving your registration or pre-registration confirmation from a concerned institute/school, the French consulate will grant you a student visa.
OFII procedure is essential as it will grant you the permit to stay in France and avail the benefits provided by the French government.
Benefits for International Students under OFII
Under OFII, international students are eligible for 50-60% discounts on transportation, healthcare, and more. Students can avail of these discounts by presenting their student ID card and passport.
Documents Required For OFII Registration
Once you arrive in France below are the documents you will need when you submit to the OFII:
The OFII certificate application form, filled with the missing information (Your visa Number, Date of arrival in France or the Schengen area, and your address in France)
Your passport, and your visa
Copy of the entry stamp in France or the Schengen area
Once the OFII receive your documents, they will send you the following instructions
A letter to notify that they have received the documents
A congregation for a medical visit, for visa validation
A letter stamp asking you to buy a stamp
On the day of the medical visit, you need to have the following Documents:
Your passport with the visa
Proof of address
A photo ID
The letter stamp and the stamp according to the charge told in the letter-stamp
Lastly, the medical examination will include:
A general clinical examination
A chest x-ray
A check of your vaccines
What CVEC Process?
CVEC stands for Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (Student and Campus Life Contribution). Before enrolling in a French institution of higher education in France, students must obtain a CVEC attestation by making a payment or exemption.
The amount of the CVEC for the 2022/23 academic year is €95 per year. This fee is due every academic year to all students enrolled in higher education studies in France.
To obtain a CVEC attestation, students must create a personal account on www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr and then log in to https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr
For more details on CVEC tap here.
How to Register For CVEC, Social Security, and Validating Residence Permit After You Arrive In France?
Below are the five important things to do once your reach France to register for CVEC, and social security, and validating Residence Permit.
Do Your Payment For Campus & Student Life
Registration In The University
Open A French Bank Account
Validate Your Residence Permit
Register To Health Care
Want to know more details about the steps, check out our detailed blog to gain a complete understanding of How to Apply For CVEC, Social Security, and Validating Residence Permit
If reading doesn't interest you can also check out this video to know about the process.

Final Words
Isn’t it great to study in a country that offers you such financial assistance? Besides quality education, the French Government offers many benefits to international students.
So if are you ready to study in France and avail these fruitful benefits? Connect with Edugo Abroad today!
Edugo Abroad is a leading Europe education consultant based in India. With more than a decade of experience in Europe education consultancy and a strong network in European universities, we assist students throughout the application procedures.
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