Denmark study visa procedure for Indian students A Definitive Guide
Denmark Study Visa Procedure For Indian Students - A Definitive Guide
To take the next drive on this quarantine road, the lockdown might get extended again. Let's reduce the bumper of boredom by adding some productive learning in your home time. This time we have come with an amazing blog regarding Denmark visa procedure by Ms. Bhumika Shah our Admission Process Executive. She is handling all the admission related activities for Denmark universities.
Enjoy the blog by Ms. Bhumika Shah. With her experience, she mentioned all the credible information with some great insights.
Study is like a flight if you miss one connection then you have to reschedule your plan due to which you will reach late at destination. So to avoid this you always have to gather the correct information and Edugo Abroad provides you the complete set of information on which you can trust and rely upon. It will further help you to get your visa on time and reach your desired destination.
Any student who wants to pursue higher education in another country is required to obtain the student visa of that country. So, I would like to share some important facts related to the student visa in Denmark. Denmark has issued in total 17,921 visas issued under the multiple visa category in a calendar year. And the success rate is good enough if someone wants to apply for the student visa or for the spouse visa. It is observed that majorly students may get refusal due to the improper justification provided during their visa interview. So let me tell you that the interview is one of the major aspects in determining the positive visa result as it is the only stage where the interviewer can determine your reasons for studying in that particular country. So, please read all-important points one should keep in mind while preparing for the visa interview.
What is a Visa interview?
Before proceeding with the general question about the visa interview let’s first discuss what a visa interview is. Basically, a visa interview is the detailed interview between the applicant and the interviewer which is established so that the interviewer can know the reasons and assess if the student is able to meet the requirement of visa applied for the particular country. Interview questions are different and the way they are conducting the interview is always varied according to the Visa officer. Sometimes the interview is very formal and sometimes it is difficult too, completely depending on the profile and how you answer them. For a spouse visa in Denmark, the interview in most of the cases is not required. An interview is scheduled once your visa support file is submitted.
Regarding interview questions
Questions are always related to the below-mentioned topics
General Questions
The general question is always the heart of the interview or to the first thing where the interview session begins which includes introducing yourself. It is the question which gives you a chance to express yourself freely. In this, the interviewer may ask about yourself, your background, education and practical qualifications, hobbies. Along with this, they can ask you to tell them about the culture, social life, education system, and about the atmosphere of Denmark. The interviewer will be quite interested to analyze what you know about Denmark and its education system. So, for this, you can give the general information about the capital of Denmark, the famous city and the special thing about the city you choose to live and apart from that, you can visit the website of UNESCO on which the information regarding world heritage sites in Denmark is mentioned in detail. You can also visit the WHO site to know about the health facilities of Denmark and always try to visit the official website for any information because this official data will help you to impress the interviewer by answering more efficiently with right information and data. Apart from this, you must have a clear idea about your hobby/ hobbies.
Below I have mentioned some tips that you can consider while preparing your answers
- Find some content regarding Denmark
- About the social life of Denmark
- About the culture of Denmark
- Student life and opportunities in Denmark
- Visit UNESCO website
In order to perform better in your interview, you have to prepare yourself before a weeks’ time and gather all the information with the help of the internet.
About university in which you have applied
In this you need to prepare for the information related to your applied university like, what is the accreditation of the university, what modules you are going to study during your course and some benefits that are offered by the university to the international student, the content on which the university course is focused, the location of the university, why the particular university. If you want to impress your interviewer then you have to prepare something different from the other students. So, for that, you can browse the different websites to find interesting information on the applied university. Every university is having some specialty because the university becomes unique for the national student and as well as for the international students. Like some Danish universities are helping India to “Make in India project”, some are helping for “The Digital technology” and some help for the “Sustainable Development Goal” that is decided by the UN that we all need to achieve it by the year 2030.
So, if you want to secure your enrolment in a Danish university you must have some different points compared to others. In short, you should always know the key points and core benefits of your applied university. For the other question, you can prepare for the below-mentioned points.
- Your residence location from the university and the expense.
- How will you meet your living expenses in Denmark?
- What are your tuition fees?
Avoid the things during your visa interview
For the Denmark visa, there is always a one to one embassy interview conducted at Delhi. So, students, please ensure that you reach on time for your interview. Once you enter the place where the interview is conducted, always be confident and greet the interviewer pleasantly. Don't panic to answer the question. You always need to have good listening skills so if you are a good listener then you can analyze the question properly and answer accordingly. Don’t give an unnecessary description because if you speak anything out of the topic, the interviewer might ask the counter-question from your previous answers. Try your best to not skip any question.
- Reach before 30 min for the interview so that you can be settled in that environment
- Always give a direct answer
- Don’t give an unnecessary description
Tips for the Interview
After doing everything the most important thing is the way to present you. Please be in the attire in which you feel confident. Mild color is more preferable. Don’t play with the thing that you have in your hand. Always do eye contact when you are answering. Always answer in English only. Use a hand gesture while answering and for this, you can see the video regarding this on YouTube. Keep your face smiling and don’t be nervous. Being confident and positive will be the mantra behind successfully appearing for the interview.
So, student now I guess you have a better vision before appearing for the visa interview. In order to get very well prepared for your interview and boost your confidence, we at Edugo Abroad have special staff who are always ready to give you the right guidance for the interview preparation as well as help you in your complete visa process for foreign education. If you are looking to study in Denmark, talk to Edugo Abroad, the leading educational overseas consultant service for foreign education. So, don’t miss the opportunity, please visit the www.edugoabroad.com website and register yourself.
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