How to Apply For CVEC Social Security Validating Residence Permit After You Arrive In France Things You Must Know Do After Your France Study Visa
How to Apply For CVEC, Social Security, Validating Residence Permit After You Arrive
In France - Things You Must Know & Do After Your France Study Visa
Undoubtedly, the application to the Visa procedure is an overwhelming one. Now that your student Visa has been approved and all set to step in France, the real adventure begins hereafter. But some questions still remain unanswered putting the students in a state of dilemma. The questions like: what’s the first thing to do once you reach at France? What all things to look upon for accommodation in France? How to open the bank account in France for the expenses?
Before commencing your academic voyage to France, there are certain things you must acknowledge right after your arrival. For a smooth-sailing cascade, it is important to start-off the documentations well before the departure. Once you reach the country, the time won’t be your friend as things might seem to go downhill. In order to avoid the unwanted obstacles, a formulated plan must be in play to effectively tackle every small thing, from the accommodation lodging to opening a bank account.
Among other major things, most vital information and steps have been elaborated for gliding easily past the uninvited problems. Basically, a full proof guide for your “To-Do” list, for the first and the following days of your arrival in France up to 1 week.
Before you proceed further, ensure to carry out these Five Significant Steps immediately.
1. Pay Your Contribution To Campus & Student Life:
Registering to the institution is mandatory and the foremost step for entering into the new, vibrant world of student life. The amount is around 92 Euros per year, which can be completed pre-arrival through the online payment.
Alternatively, one can pay in cash at the nearest local post office. Duly note to generate a proof of the payment as it is an essential document while registering into your institution. Moreover, the amount is paid to the CROUS for aiding the students to elevate their social life, culture, recreational activities and healthcare. Further, all the students admitted to the French higher education institution has to pay this contribution mandatorily, irrespective of public or private university.
2. Registration In The University:
Over to the registration, this process is entirely online and take a few minutes to complete. Moreover, direct to the international relations department on the official website of your institute. Head over to the Enrolment Department to confirm that you have been enrolled. Ensure to pay the tuition fees, only then you shall be issued with the student card. Once the student card is generated, you have been successfully registered to the respective university.
3. Open A Bank Account:
This step is rather a crucial one yet an extremely easy to undertake. Opening a bank account opens up a plethora of benefits, making your payments very handy. Without having to take cash everywhere, acquire a French bank card and a cheque book to pay for multiple things including bills, subscriptions, groceries, daily expenses and even healthcare expenses. Any foreign student can open a bank account in any bank in the country by submitting three basic documents (ID proof, residence proof & student card by institution). In case of any query or problem, visit Banque de France website for a thorough assistance related to the account opening.
4. Validate Your Residence Permit:
Once you come to France, validate your Visa and issue the residence permit without fail. The entire procedure is over the internet and can be easily completed from your home through the laptop. Notably, the address must be validated within 3 months of your arrival in the country. In order to finalise this, the vital documents needed are; Visa information, current address of France, arrival date, valid email address and a bank card for paying the fees. On confirming the payment, the Residence Permit Card will be issued. To begin with the procedure, visit the link: https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr
5. Register To Health Care:
For availing the health care benefits, the non-European international students must complete their registration in the French general social security system.
This can be done by signing up into the website https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/#/. Ensure to finish this process right after registering to your institution and validating the Visa. In the end, a Social Security Card will be issued to tackle the healthcare reimbursements of the medical emergency expenses. On top of this, the registration to the healthcare is free.
The above-mentioned pointers are the vital steps to be taken care of after arriving in France. At times, many students are lost among the multiple sources and can’t seem to find their way. To be well-informed in advance can help you through circumstances and be very advantageous in the longer run. Through an established plan, trusted sources and a thorough research, the students can easily cope with the registration & documentations without any hassle. Undoubtedly, study in France is an unmatchable experience with numerous opportunities to a thriving future. Hence, these steps will clear your pathway to prevent the last-minute inconvenience upon the arrival in France.
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